They first accelerated the atoms. They test what a sniper accelerator can do


Experience can lead to new experiences.

BRATISLAVA. The Large Hadron Accelerator (LHC) is known by the fact that scientists have left the proton beams at high speed, let them jump and look at what is interesting

Sometimes scientists will have an idea of ​​the 39, use of the accelerator. for the first time they let the lead atom beams pass through the accelerator.

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An extremely fragile atom

The experiment tested the idea that could lead to new experiments, to particle beams or to the emergence of new, eg dark subjects. "We are trying to find new ideas on how to extend CERN's current research program and infrastructure, and to find out what is possible is the first step," says Michaela Schaumann in the press release. Press

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Despite a slow decade of research, scientists have not yet tried a similar experiment.

The electrode can easily be released from the atom when it accelerates through the accelerator

When the electron is released, the nucleus hits the tube wall , which is not ideal for the operation of the accelerator. When it tries to release a lot of particles from the beams, the accelerator automatically cancels out the beam – protects the haughty magnets

Scientists did two experiments with atoms. First, they used twenty-four atoms. The stable low energy beam was kept in the accelerator for about an hour. However, when full power is turned on, the accelerator automatically cancels the experiment after two minutes

Scientists restarted the magnets, and in the second experiment they used a smaller number. lead atoms with an electron. The six-atom beams held in the accelerator for two hours, then stopped them

Data revealed that the beam would last up to forty hours in the accelerator, almost stumbling expectations [19659014] What he can do

Similar Experiments Scientists help to discover if the accelerator could formerly serve as a gamma-ray plant

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Another step would be to shoot atoms with an electronic laser. This increases the state of energy of the electron. When the electrons return to the lower state, the photons are released

When the atoms accelerate inside the accelerator by the speed of near-light, the energy of the liberated photon will be elevated and converted to gamma radiation. "This special experience in the LHC was actually the last step of a series of tests," said Witold Krasny, a physicist.

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