They gave up the details of the next meeting of Putin and Trump


Spentnik / Photo: TASR / AP- Jorge Silva)

Presentation of further details of the next meeting of Putin and Trump

Helsinki 14 July 2018 United States Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump on 16 July in Helsinki will last approximately three hours, including a press conference. "Putin and Trump between four eyes will start at 1:15 pm, and Putin and Finnish President Saul Niinistö will start at 4:30 pm

" Putin and Trump between four eyes will start at 3:15 pm, and Putin and Finnish President Saul Niinistö will start at 4:30 pm "[19659005] The application also shows that the meeting of Trump Niinisto will take place between 7:00 and 10:00 local time

Assistant to Russian President Yuri Ušakov has already announced that the summit will be held in the presidential palace in the center of 39. Helsinki, will begin with talks between Putin and Trump in four eyes and will end with a press conference where presidents will answer at least four questions





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