They invest millions. The railway showed how the new cabin looks like


Photo: ZSSK

A passenger in long-distance trains will collect 85 modernized or new wagons by 2021. The Slovakian railway company is restoring its fleet in long-distance transport, the first wagons of this kind should be removed this summer.

"There will be 35 new cars, the latest to be delivered in early 2021, but most will be delivered in the next two years," said Filip Hluboky, director of the ZSSK. There will be 28 second class cars and seven first class cars.

At the same time, the carrier will have to modernize 50 personal wagons and deploy them gradually in the same way until 2021. The new and modified wagons must be deployed on the lines Žilina – Praha and Bratislava – Košice, the most difficult. ZSSK lines.

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<img class =" a501_image a501_image "alt =" Photo by ZSSK

Pohled na Velkopriestorový vůz Bmpz s čičmianskym vzorem "align =" "src =" "width =" 580 "/>

the new wagon will be produced by ŽOS Vrútky.According to the ZSSK, the price of a newly produced second class wagon is about 1.87 million euros, with a wagon revalued by about 800 000.

One of the reasons for this modernization is, according to the director of the ZSSK's Trade Department, Karol Martincek, that since 2010, there has been virtually no Investment in long-distance transport. "When we want to compete with neighboring states in terms of transport quality, we need to wagons that are already in the 21st century, "said Martinček.

The cars will also be ready at speeds that are starting to be common in the surrounding states, or 160 km / h or more.

"On these new wagons, the chassis are ready for 200 kilometers per hour," said Martinček. Another reason for investment in long-distance transport is, in his own words, the design of obsolete cars, the problem is also the equipment of the cars, such as air conditioning and toilets.

Regarding the new design of the wagon, it is inspired by Slovakia. The seat covers will have a folk motif of the Chichmian style, and the Danube was a pre-figure to create helm lines in restaurant wagons


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