They opened a new bike path. It leads through the picturesque forest (+ PHOTO)


The holiday day was used by the creators of the Turz stream to open it. This has attracted many cyclists from all over Slovakia. Bojnice still has a new attraction.

BOJNICE. Several monthly efforts of the Hornonitrian trails of the Civil Association (OZ) have been reflected in the new bike path of about one kilometer long.

In a forest near the spa town opened last week.

See also: A beautiful overview of the summer pools of the Trenčín region

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The Circulation Trail is a bicycle path [19659008] bike path. "The runway means that the path is not a bumper for cyclists, it's easy. For demanding cyclists, it's also very entertaining. It is designed so that the obstacles created are for beginners and for experienced riders, "said the president of OZ Hornonitrianske stopy Dominik Gramantík

Currently in Slovakia, it is the second route of the cycle of this The idea of ​​progressively building such roads has also been given to us by cycling during their storms abroad. "We also have experience from abroad. We see where cycling takes place and we see where cycling is in Slovakia and we try to bring something from here, "he said.

Even with this project, there were some women who stressed the dangers of this hobby or the intervention of nature.

Is there a danger

According to the author of the project, the bike of mountain is dangerous in general.
Therefore, they developed the rules of use in which the guidelines are recommended.These include the protection of the head, elbows and knees which is a must

"Because it can be dangerous, we recommend for the first time to move slowly, surely and safely, that is to say under your options. It is necessary to become familiar with, "said Gramantík

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