They pay billions for 22 women. They say that they have cancer of the cosmetics


A pharmaceutical giant faces thousands of similar claims for the sale of tannin-based cosmetics.

Johnson & Johnson, the US pharmaceutical company, owes $ 4.69 billion (22 billion euros) to 22 women who have avoided ovarian cancer after using tannic sanitary products and asbestos. Reuters reported, referring to the decision of the local court in Missouri

According to the agency, it is still the highest amount that the company has to pay for similar cases in the case of similar cases. In an indictment against a pharmacopoeia, women claimed that the use of certain products, including the backpack containing talc, brought them to ovarian cancer.

In addition, injured American lawyers claimed that Johnson & Johnson cause cancer.

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For the use of hue in the products, the US business faces thousands of complaints. He denies that his tannin products cause cancer and that they contain dangerous asbestos.

In court, he convinced that long-term studies show that the embankment is safe and he also wanted to question the verdicts. "Johnson & Johnson is a deeply disappointed verdict that has resulted from the founding of the unfair process," said the pharmacist in a statement on the latest judgment.

The jury recognized compensation for wounded women after hearing a dozen $ 550 million experts. Later, she decided to pay for even more exemplary fines. The US company has ordered to pay an additional $ 4.14 billion, which the US court wants to prevent from repeating similar cases in the future.

Last year, the US stock rose 1%. Johnson & Johnson is far from the first joke in a similar conflict. Last year, in Los Angeles, the court ordered to pay $ 417 million (£ 358 million) from the hospitalized wife of Eve Echerri

Even the US media have written about the drug. a record fine. Tissue-based dandruff was used in the 1950s and ovarian cancer was diagnosed in 2007.

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