They sacrificed other victims of the Srebrenica massacre


The remains of 35 other victims in Srebrenica, ages 16 to 77, were buried Wednesday in Potočari on the occasion of the 23rd anniversary of the greatest war crime on the European continent since the end of the Second World War World War.

It is estimated that after the occupation of Srebrenica by the United Nations as a security zone for civilians, there are Bosnian Serb units as of 11 July. 8,000 men and boys were executed.

After the 1992-1995 war, the bodies of the remains of the victims (after about 1,200 are still searched) were found in dozens of mass graves and more than 150 sites. According to the Bosnian authorities, 550 persons were minors in July 1995.

The United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) described the Srebrenica massacre as genocide and sentenced 14 actors, including Former president of the Bosnian Serbs, Radovan Karadzic, former Bosnian Serb commander Ratko Mladic. The first was sentenced to 40 years' imprisonment and a second life in the first

The eleventh day of July has been seen in the European Union since 2009 as the Day of the Genocide Memorial of Srebrenica

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