This Detva, this Detva, is a pretty city


Detva has an unusual festival. Who has not yet been to folklore celebrations under Polana, just live them. Is it worth it.

It is Friday morning, the sun comes out of the mountains. Looks like it is another hot day today.

I drink coffee, I check things in a backpack. I also jostle to check the social networks, where they live well. Kamoši předběhnou, kdo dává krajnější fotku z Pohoda.

I am going in another direction. For Detva

Zimomriavky v šenku

The climate in the car is running at full speed. I thought the two-hour trip in this heat could suffer – as the "classics" say, after all, it was the suffering of others …

Ten kilometers are starting to rain. The rain is gradually turning into a cloud of clouds, I'm happy to get out of the flooded road to get me in the parking lot in front of the department store.

I waited more hours. Lady, it's blushing. And cigarettes are dying …

I'm on the way with a long delay, the worst is that the storm seems to have decided to go to Detva with me

Miracles happen behind the elected. Clouds only where-here the driving rain has stopped. At the amphitheater of Polana, I park in good weather.

"Take us well, young man, and come see us at Hrochote, and we'll give you a cup of coffee," I welcome a trio of women in beautiful costumes.

photos in the galleries

Source: News .sk / Michal Badín

Murder of Ján Kuciak

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A general for the evening program is on the main stage.

"And in our tavern, a small elbow burns …"

There are many folk artists, all dressed in beautiful costumes. Young musicians play shrugging shoulders. They order the guys, the girls order. There are walls in the small cellar. I speak to a crowd of young people, the genuine folklore has totally engulfed me.

The beer came before my nose. And the cops of alcohol

"You have to drink, there is no other way," Martin laughs. Even though we did not have a shot, the young man is already jumping among the musicians.

Order as a jukebox

An opening program entitled "V lone Poľany" takes place in the amphitheater, in the honor of professor, naturalist and composer Milan Kriz.

If you want to meet folklore celebrities, the celebrations in Detve are a great place for you. I came to a famous director, Ondrej Molot

"Master the journalist, take us with my friends, I'll pay for the photos, just to have something to mention."

We're looking for a "barter" – a photo of an interview. S & # 39; applies.

Photo galleries in the gallery

Source: Badín

The amphitheater is filled to the last Instead, people crush and applaud attitudes.

"The flying jarabs of the willow, if they can, fly above them …"

The song sings Milan Križo

aged 90 years old, Zimomriavky. Another strong experience of the festival is behind me.

Backstage meets me "old acquaintances". Martin.


He brought me back to the pub under the podium

Since I left here, hardly anything has changed. Orders go from the jukebox, there are many more people inside and 15 minutes waiting for beer. But is he overwhelmed by someone?

It is after midnight.

galleries in galleries

Source: Badín

He lives outside, winning heligonkáři. People hear and join the song. They do not even care that it starts to crack

When the rain rises properly, we run into the main tent next to the stage.

I do not look at the watch anymore, I've already stopped the beer. I appreciate the real festival fun that will not end at Detve …

A great awakening

I'm getting ready for the sixth morning in the trunk of my car

My head does not hurt, it's good.

I need a moment to realize that there are no ghost sounds in the album, but the real music.

A few anomalies slept in the boys' boots and deva folk ensemble Detva. As soon as they woke up, they grabbed the tools and started playing.

A group of young propellers is welcome in the morning between the refreshment stands.

Before going out quietly of the festival, I need a lot of hot stuff for the spanking and screaming vocal cords

I become a fool of the forties

] "No living soul , except you, man, I wanted to take vodka, but half of the 2 euros so I did not take it, did not hurt myself, huh? "

If I wanted to hurt myself, I would not have missed it. The four quarters slammed disappeared like a specter. You just do not think that …

I'm going back to the car around the helixers.

"This Detva, this Detva, is a beautiful city …"

The truth is, boys. an exceptionally enjoyable festival. He who does not have, he must. It is worth it

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