THIS IS OFFICIAL: Manchester City with a new star boosts for a record 70 million euros


After weeks of speculation about the first post in the city of Manchestru, everything is over. The head of the English champion introduced the arrival of a big star of the Premier League on Tuesday night to a record of £ 70 million

Riyad Mahrez Algerian technician The first new player to join the Guardiol team after the missile season joined the Guardiol team. . The 27-year-old offensive midfielder has spent the last 4½ years in Leicestru City, winning the league title 15/16 and registering forever in the club's history. The Algerian representative did not excel in one successful season, but even when "The Foxes" played "only" the second league

"I would even pay to watch his game." The words of the Dutch wings, Arjen Robben, only confirm the uniqueness of Mahrez, which no one doubts after the last season. The player who knows the wing and the midfielder perfectly has the perfect technique, gameplay and fitness, making him a complex player of Guardiol's dream settings.

Mahrez leaves Leicester City, where he moved in January 2014 "I am very happy to play for Manchester City under the direction of coach Pep Guardiola who prefers football to assault." " cited the site of the 27-year-old midfielder

" Riyadh is very talented, for rivals the defender is unpleasant and he creates a lot of roommate. "In the past, one of the most interesting (19459005)," said Txiki Begiristain, sports director of "Citizens"

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