This will be the longest eclipse of this century


Night sky lovers can prepare for a truly exceptional event. On Friday night, the moon will be lost from the sky.

The expert recommends how to prepare and advise when it will be the most important. In addition to watching from your garden, you can also see this theater from planetariums, museums and other public places.

"The Atonement of the Moon is an astronomical phenomenon in which the moon crosses the Earth's shadow.This is always happening around the completion of the moon, at a time when From the point of view of the Earth, the Moon is on the opposite side of the sky like the Sun, "says Július Koza of the SAV Astronomical Institute of Tatranska Lomnica.The complete eclipse will begin at half past ten "At the time of the complete eclipse, the moon will have a dark red to brownish color. The movement of the Earth's shadow on the surface of the Moon will also be striking, " explained the Goat.

Observing this phenomenon could disrupt the cloud." Probably, many cloud spaces In Slovakia allow to see the eclipse for at least a moment. Wait patiently for the right moment and look in the right direction, "recommends Goat. The first opportunity will be Monday, January 21, 2019, early in the morning

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Jav will be visible to the naked eye

Július Koza from the l. Astronomical Institute SAV

. A sufficient observation device is the tourist or, respectively, hunting binoculars, which can be attached to a tripod. Wherever possible, it is advisable to choose the site of observation in a dark place with south-east and south perspectives exposed to the outside of the disturbing lighting around.

Find a place for light. Due to the relatively small height of the moon above the horizon during the show, a better view will surely ensure high locations away from disturbing light pollution. It is advisable to choose a suitable point of view in daylight – two hours before the light, taking into account the azimuth of the moon during the excitation

The longest eclipse of the century [19659013] Pavol Rapavý, director of the Observatory of Rimavská Sobota

The burial of the Moon is one of the most beautiful phenomena of the sky. The last complete eclipse was seen on September 28, 2015, the next one is waiting for us on January 21, 2019. The arcade on Friday, July 27 will be the longest complete eclipse of the Moon in this century, its partial phase will last 3 hours 55 minutes and 1 hour 43 minutes. Mars will be close The same night, the theater will be in the march of the planet Mars, which will appear in great opposition. Its distance from Earth will be only 58 million kilometers, which is the closest to 2003.

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Where can you see

  • Bratislavský hrad, Bratislava – from 20:00 [19659020] Central Slovak Observatory, Hurbanovo, Historical Building – from 19.00
  • Castle Čachtický, Čachtice (District Nové Město nad Váhom) – from 20.30
  • Trenčiansky hrad, Trenčín – from 21.00
  • Veľká Rača, Oščadnica (Čadca District) – from 20.00
  • Galilee Observatory at Kamenná Porube – from 21.00
  • Hvězdáreň Handlová – from 20.30
  • Čingov – Ďurkovec, Slovak Paradise National Park – from 20.00
  • Observatory and Planetarium, Košice Zemplín in Trebišov, near the rider – from 20.30

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