Thousands of Russians protest against pension reform


The Russians protested against a government reform that would increase the age of retirement.

Tens of thousands of protesters gathered in several Russian cities on Saturday to protest government plans to significantly raise the retirement age.

The protest meeting in Moscow, attended by about 10,000 people, was convened by the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (KPRF). The same number of people came to the protest in Yekaterinburg. Demonstrations have also been reported by other major Russian cities, including Rostov on Done or Volgograd.

In June, the Russian government introduced a bill to the Duma to increase the retirement age – for women, there should be an increase from the current 55 to 63 years and for men from 60 to 65 years old. These changes should take place gradually over a 15 year transition period, which should begin next year.


However, this pension reform has caused offenses, especially among men. According to World Bank statistics two years ago, 43% of Russian men are 65 years old

Despite protests and criticism, the State Duma government approves the bill at first reading [19659008]. a referendum, even before parliament deals again with the law, at second reading in September

Meanwhile, the KPRF has submitted its referendum proposal. However, the Central Electoral Commission on Saturday, according to TASS, decided that the issue as it was formulated by the KPRF was not in accordance with the Constitution and could have expressed the voters

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