Three American giants have formed for Huawei. They try to convince Trump


Photo: CPA

The attention of the media in recent weeks has focused mainly on the consequences of US sanctions on Huawei in China. However, it is important to look on the other side. Huawei is an important customer for many US companies that will now suffer heavy financial losses.

Among the biggest mobile players, companies like Intel, Qualcomm and Xilinx are quietly trying to convince the US government to cancel or at least significantly reduce sanctions, Reuters said.

Representatives from the three companies were scheduled to meet with the US Department of Commerce at the end of Maythat is, shortly after Huawei became the target of the trade war between the United States and China.

We can discuss, change the laws, not

The spokesman of the US Department of Commerce confirmed that the Ministry often discuss with companies. However, discussions they almost never lead to an amendment of the law or the sanctions currently in force. The chipset manufacturers are completely powerless. Although they disagree with the government on some points, they point out that Huawei devices are made from components that are available for free and have proven themselves. Thus, the ban should not pay for these facilities, respectively. He did not have to.

"This is not Huawei 's help. It's about protecting American businesses"One of the sources told Reuters."

In addition, the report states that 70 billion dollarsthat Huawei missed buying parts malo to $ 11 billion to walk around in companies like Qualcomm, Intel or Micron. Broadcom, the chip maker of Singapore, based in the United States, is another of the affected companies. In its results, the ban on trading with Huawei appeared almost immediately. He also had to reduce his expected earnings for the rest of the year.

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