Three German cities can have it at KHL, says the president of the federation.


today today 13:45

According to the president of the German Hockey Federation (DEB) Franz Reindl, the club of the Continental Hockey League (KHL) could operate in Cologne, Düsseldorf or Hamburg.

The president of the transnational competition himself, Dmitry Chernyshenko, has already indicated in the past that he was negotiating with four foreign teams likely to join the league. The report came from the Russian website

"Many fans in Germany would like to see the KHL matches in their own eyes, and I think they will, I think cities like Cologne, Düsseldorf or Hamburg are good cities. For example, they have a modern hall in Hamburg, but they lack a high-level hockey team. KHL is improving every year. There were a number of German players and spoke positively about this competition, "said Reindl.



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