TIETO foods can cause them!


During the summer months, the risk of contracting various bacteria from food increases. Typical are Salmonella, Campylobacter, Listeria and other dangerous diseases. Do you know what food is at risk or how to avoid it?

Bacteria in fir trees, which occur especially during the warm months, cause various infections. These usually manifest as severe diarrhea, vomiting, cramps, fever, dehydration and sometimes dizziness. They produce toxins in our digestive tract. The experts of bacterial disease refer to toxoinfections. The most important thing is to recognize them and start treatment on time. They are dangerous for children and adults who also suffer from chronic diseases. People with low immunity may also be alive.

Grilled meat

Most people are infected with Campylobacteria because they eat bad chicken meat. A small piece of raw meat or a piece of bloody bone is enough, and the infection is in the world. However, this can also happen when the grill is too hot and the meat is quickly roasted. Inside, it is still poorly cooked. Bacteria can only destroy the temperature of 72 degrees Celsius

  Be careful when cooking meat

Be careful when cooking meat.

Photo: Profimedia

Normally, too, contamination occurs by a knife that is removed from the meat. It is also wrong to cut meat and vegetables on the same plate [19659909] Symptoms:

  • Increase in temperature, fatigue, headaches and muscles
  • In a few hours, abdominal pain is manifested
  • The most common complications include dehydration and in people with low immunity of joint pain, rashes
  • This will help you Rehydrating

    Salmonella in a salad Summer

    Salmonella infection is particularly prone to eggs, mayonnaise, tattoo sauce, cheese and whole milk containing milk. In addition, salads are mayonnaise. The bacteria can still be in the meat and its products, such as salami, mackerel, ham. Even in these cases, it is good to rinse used cookware with water hotter than 75 degrees

      If you enjoy mayonnaise salad, be lazy

    If you enjoy the mayonnaise salad , be abusive.

    Photo: Profimedia

  • [19609016]

    • Abdominal warnings and cramps
    • Wounds and abdominal cramps
    • Dizziness, hypotension, dry tongue but also cramps, increased heart rate, heart failure, loss of consciousness
    • If Salmonella enters the intestinal wall in the blood, there may also be inflammation of the cerebral arteries and other complications
    • 48 hours

    That will help you : Even in this case, it will help you like in campylobacteria

    Bindings are also in the ice

    Most often, we infect our list with pasteurized milk and unpasteurized. Most of them are cheeses, cold cuts, yogurts, ice cream, but it can also act of vegetables. A less common source of meat is, for example, tartar

      Problems can also cause favored ice cream

    Problems can also cause popular ice cream.

    Photo: Profimedia

  • He appears with a stiff neck, headache, and fever. There is also vertigo

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