Timeline Os can also be supported by Chrome and Firefox through the extension


With this year's "April Update" of Windows 10, a potentially useful timeline feature has been added to provide you with an overview of the applications, documents, and web pages that you have worked with during the course of the year. in the last 30 days

Microsoft is able to share this content across multiple devices and continue efficiently where you left off. Unfortunately, there are very few supported applications up to here, like web browsers only with Microsoft Edge

Official Timeline support for popular browsers like Chrome and Firefox is still lacking, but thanks to practical programming hands, you can install the plugin "Timeline Support", which will at least partially correct this situation.

The plugin works the way you expect – in Timeline view, pages visited in Chrome, Firefox or Vivaldi, depending on what you use and where you will install it. The add-on was created by developer Dominic Maas, and as he points out, it's still a "beta quality". Also, without using the Microsoft account, you do not go too far

TIP: QuickLook – useful thumbnails of MacOS files coming to Windows 10

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