To save the boys from the cave in Thailand, the conditions were good


Rescuers await the arrival of two groups of volunteer divers

7. July 2018 at 23:57 TASR

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MAE SAI. Favorable weather and waterfalls have created conditions for 12 boys and their football coach to be released from a cave in northern Thailand

However, this situation ends when you are in trouble. It is raining again, Governor of Chiang Rai Province. 19659006] Governor Narongsak Osatanakorn said the rescuers were waiting for the arrival of two groups of volunteer divers who would arrive later on Saturday or Sunday

. : They do not know if it is day or night. What are the days in the dark with the psychology of Thai youth?

They will be ready to start coming out of the cave of Tcham Luang Nang

"The plan I have followed since the beginning is that we have to take these children out, and the determining factor is to have it. to have as little water as possible ". "

" It's raining … we do not know what other risk factors we're going to be exposed to, "he said.

He also cautioned against increase in the amount of flooded water

levels of carbon dioxide in the cave

The boys are stuck in the cave

The young footballers and their trainer are in the cave for two weeks. [19659015] See also: Jaskyniar: In the cave you will quickly stop knowing when it is day and night

Following the strong cave, (19659002) The Thai authorities are now struggling with time and trying to drain as much water from the flooded hallways to expel the group before the arrival of the seasonal lejaks

Rescuers They said that they wanted to wait until the boys learned to dive well. According to Saturday's reports , the 25-year-old coach justified the first list that the stranded group left underground by divers in the flooded corridors, justifying the parents of their lovers at the age of 11 years.

One of them, according to the AP, also said that he was already enjoying a fried chicken after his homecoming, and that he did not have a chicken. he remembered how well they were, but they lacked their families.

The Tcham Luang Nang Non-Canyon Complex in Chiang Rai Province is the fourth in Thailand

Located about 1,000 kilometers north of the Bangkok metropolis near the Myanmar border. Due to inaccessible terrain, there is a little known and relatively unexplored place

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