Today, fattening kills more than once hunger!


In Europe, in 2015, a fifth of men and up to a quarter of women suffered. The same statistics from the World Health Organization indicate that all children over five years of age eight are overweight.

Obese people are still on the road, compared to 1975, they are three times more numerous. In Slovakia, we are not better.

About the problem, Peter Kubinyi spoke about the trainee of MICHAEL SÁSIK from the Bratislava ProCare.

Overweight, first-degree obesity, second-degree obesity, morbid obesity … It's hard to know. What makes the decisions?

We use BMI, which is an abbreviation for body mass index, which is the weight / height ratio in meters per second. The norm is when a man has 18.5 to 24.9 kilograms per meter of each other. First-degree obesity speaks for BMI of 30 to 34.9 and obesity second with BMI of 35 to 39.9. The third degree of obesity is a BMI greater than 40 kilograms per meter per second, what is called morbid obesity. Waist circumference in women should not exceed 80 and, in men, 94 centimeters. We are talking about high health risks if women are over 88 years old and men are 102 centimeters tall.

Take, for example, a guy measuring 178 centimeters and give him kilograms per class.

A normal 178-inch man should not exceed 79 kilograms. If he has four more pounds, it can be said that he is overweight. From 96 kilos he becomes obese and from 127 kilos he is part of a group of morbidly obese people.

What are the causes of overweight and obesity? Are there genes or hormones behind?

An excessive energy intake that exceeds its expenses. In other words, little movement, no more diet. Seated work, evening meal instead of regular meals in small doses, high energy diet, ie fat meat or sweets instead of fruits and vegetables. Always – well-being. Congenital syndromes associated with excessive dietary intake are exceptional. Chorio often refers to the thyroid gland that does not work, but it's usually just an excuse. The most common cause is excessive dietary intake, which may be related to psychological problems. We combine food with pleasurable feelings, with pleasure, a way to self-adjust, from which it is easy to create a psychic addiction.

We have mentioned that overweight and obesity are associated with risk factors. By what?

They cause up to 236 serious diseases – metabolic, inflammatory, cardiovascular, neurodegenerative and oncological. Obese people are twice as likely to have ischemic heart disease and stroke. There is a risk three to seven times higher to contract a second type of diabetes, a double risk of depression, a risk of chronic renal failure 2 to 7 times … We could go further – an increased risk of thromboembolic disease, myocardial infarction, infertility, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, gastrointestinal cancers, prostate or ovarian. Overloaded joints, of course, do not speak.

What is morbid obesity?

This is the highest grade to indicate the disproportionate weight of a person. It is associated with even higher morbidity and mortality and can shorten human life even for ten years.

We talked about a man with a height of 178 centimeters. From 127 kilograms, it can be said that they suffer from morbid obesity. Let's add a little weight, say that he has 200 pounds. How does the body react?

The problems are even more serious if we are talking about internal organs filled with fat. Foie gras, inflammation can occur, which can lead to cirrhosis or liver cancer. The fat is also stored in the blood vessels, which increases the risk of ischemic heart disease. Overloaded joints make movement more difficult, further aggravating the problem. It is also haunted by a draining blood flow from the lower limbs, which is actually a mechanical problem related to gravity, resulting in the formation of swelling and veins in the neck. Having trouble breathing, a big belly grows on the diaphragm. This is associated with sleep apnea syndrome when he stops breathing for a few seconds while sleeping.

Michaela Sásiková: Obesity threatens 236 diagnoses. or
one of them does not finish well.

Michaela Sásiková: Obesity threatens 236 diagnoses. or
one of them does not finish well.

Julius Dubravay

Add another hundred kilograms. Tricokilogram man of 178 centimeters high. And him?

In addition, all the risks we have discussed so far are still increasing, new challenges are multiplying. Doctors have few diagnostic options: the patient does not enter the scanner, they can not perform resistance testing. It involves high operational risks. A big problem is anesthesia, the wounds are badly stitched, badly hoja. Of course, he needs special medical equipment, such as control desks or beds with increased load capacity.

You have studied the health status of morbidly obese patients who participated in a television program. They had to help them change their way of life. What are your experiences with these people?

Although the media reports information about people weighing five or six kilograms, the heaviest patient I met in my office was 39 years old and weighed 280 kilograms. He joined the series just because he wanted to lose weight and start a new life. The basis of this treatment is lifestyle change and appropriate motivation. This is sometimes a problem – of the twenty women, only two did not feel well "in their skin". Morbid obesity interfered with some men only because they were working as taxi drivers and their stomachs kicked them while driving. In general, many are confident of being happy despite their weight. They do not realize that they have no aesthetic problem.

Can a morbidly obese person lose weight "in the norm"?

Yes, but it requires a strong will, a good motivation and time. It's ideal if it separates for a month from two to four kilograms. Every kilogram reduces the risks we talked about.

Medicine can not help them? Operating Solutions

For a BMI greater than 40 or greater than 35 kilograms per square meter, if other diseases were associated and the regimens failed, an operational solution to the problem could be considered. There are several choices of this type, most likely the dressing in the stomach.

Two gravestones, two jams, a coffin suitable for a thousand, more expensive

"Custom" coffins can not be capped. They do not go into the furnace. So, even with death, overweight problems are not solved. Inversions are not rare problems. We can count on the figures provided by Radoslav Vavruš, director of Marianum, the funeral service in Bratislava. Each year, about 4,500 people are buried, a quarter of which are funerals, the rest is a crematorium. Coffins 48 shots last year had benefited.

XXL: This is what the morbidly obese breast looks like.

XXL: This is what the morbidly obese breast looks like.


Rakvy XXL

These are the ones that measure up to ten to ten inches in length or width. "With these," he says,the problem does not arise again when a very large casket is needed. The standard has a center diagonal line of 60 centimeters in the center, but we also needed twice the width. We hold such funerals two or three times a year. "These are data from the Marianum company in Bratislava. If we say that about 50,000 people die each year in Slovakia, it is not a demanding mathematics. Twenty to thirty burials of this type with "coffins" per year. What this means in practice and how it increases the price, explains this example.

Coffin of dimensions 93 times 208 times 85 centimeters. Special order from the manufacturer who must install the technological equipment. Delivery within 24 to 48 hours. Special import coffins from a producer from Central Slovakia to Bratislava. Because of its resistance, it had to be oak, it had to have a double bottom and could only have a square shape. "Unfortunately, the luxury of standard life is projected in a non-standard price, without floral decoration, it is worth about a thousand euros more than the usual funeral."

In jam one hour before the ceremony

When we talk about cremation, we must keep in mind that the Cretaceous crematorium was designed in the 70s of the last century and that the dimensions of the entrance to the cremation furnace are 80 centimeters. It also includes unusual coffins, for those weighing about 150 kilograms. If ordinary cremation lasts about an hour, an hour and a quarter, the level above the standard mentioned above is twice as high. Well, the bespoke ones just do not have any luck. They will not change. Well, the deceased can only be buried in the earth, but it is not easy either. Even in 2005, the funeral had to call eight firefighters to help put the coffin on the ground. "At the moment, we have special hydraulic motor vehicles that have replaced people, unlike conventional funerals, in which case we store the coffin in the ground an hour before the ceremony," said the director. funeral home.

Radoslav Vavruš: Funerals require more and more "megarakvu".

Radoslav Vavruš: Funerals require more and more "megarakvu".

Emil Vaško

From the point of view of a sad family, it is a better, less traumatic solution. It is necessary to adapt the "rails" in the funeral wagon, in order to double the number of staff members during the ceremony, because it is sometimes necessary to manipulate the trunk even manually, sometimes even with a hydraulic hand. In addition, they can not even choose where to save the poor. It has to be right by the aisle to have a technique. The price also increases because, unlike classical funerals, a grave does not prevent a jam, but two jams at a time. You must pay both graves.

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