Today is World Emoji Day! Here are 7 amazing facts that you did not know about them


Yes, Emoji already have their own international day …

Emoji are a common part of human communication but also a huge success. This is evidenced by the fact that they already have their World Emoji Day, which fell today – July 17th. It has been celebrating since 2014 and is often associated with the introduction of new symbols or products. We have prepared 7 interesting facts on this occasion, that you may not have known. And by the way, in the seventh fact, you will discover why we are celebrating this day on July 17th.

first Emoji exist since 1999

Believe it or not, emoji as such are 21 years old. But the masses were received later in 2012. They are particularly gratifying for Apple and its iOS 6 operating system. Users could simply activate the emoji keyboard during a conversation and add small smileys and fun icons. Since then, they have spread to all social networks like Facebook, Messenger, Instagram or Twitter

2. The word "Emoji" is part of the Oxford Dictionaries [2013]

Since 2013, the biggest "boom" around emoji has even become a real word. He officially added it to the Oxford dictionaries in August, along with several other words of "internet slang."

5. People love emoji to let them tattoo

Emoji are not just hit in the internet space. More and more people are leaving them tattooed on their skin. For example, basketball player Mike Scott, who plays for Atlanta Hawks, has a few more hands on both hands


3. New emerging emoji

Despite the fact that most of us are fed up with the maximum of ten emoji that we use day and night, we can find a lot in each smartphone. And that increases constantly. For example, today, on the occasion of World Emoji Day, Apple has added 70 new emoji characters to its iPhones and iPads.

4 You can see how much emoji is used in real time on Twitters is an interesting tool that tracks how many emoji are currently on Twitteri. The numbers increase in real time, so we see live how they are used. By the way, the primacy holds this face without compromise:


6 Currently, there are 1,212 different emoji

The non-profit organization Unicode Consortium, in charge of coordinating Unicode standards, is responsible for approving new emoji. In the latest version of 11.0, 66 new emoji have been added, so their total number is 1 212. However, this number only includes emoji composed of a single Unicode character, many emoji are composed two or more characters. ] 7 July 17 is World Emoji Day for a totally logical reason

Why only on July 17? Well, the emoji that shows the calendar of Apple and Google shows it on July 17th.


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