Tour de France 18: Craddock drove with a broken blade


I exceeded the limits of my choices, adds Craddock. July 2018 at 11:39 SITA

PARÍŽ. The American cyclist Lawson Craddock ranks among the most watched figures of the 105th Tour de France

The attention is drawn to the heavy accident of the first stage where he breaks the blade.

The bike path will be repaired

Despite his health problems, he went through the race and won enormous respect for his opponents and the public, as his fight against the French.

See also: The peloton also follows the seven sanatoriums. Is a wounded cyclist a hero?

A member of the 21-year-old EF Education First-Drapac team paid $ 100 for each stage completed to renovate a velodrome in his native Houston, where he started as a junior.

Several people supported his idea and at the end of the Tour de France 200,000

The bike path of the American city will be corrected after the devastating hurricane of last year, Harvey

Extremely Enough

"I spent three incredible weeks testing myself.

Several times during the race, I did not know if I could finish them, but support from around the world motivated me to take further action.

Reaching the finish line in Paris was extremely moving "Craddock in his team's press release

He had to resign

Bronze me the world junior champion of the Tour de France s 39 is ranked 145th with a loss of 4 hours and 34 minutes over winner Gerard Thomas

After falling, he rolled on the tail of the pack and should leave the stage on the cobblestones or after the first mountain climbs

He finally passed a total of 3,351 kilometers and got a short nomination for the most prestigious event rider

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