Tour de France 2018 (6th stage): Peter Sagan scores 90 times the record of a green jersey


BRITTANY WALL July 12 ( – The fourth round of the 105th Tour de France with a start in Breste is similar to Wednesday when triumphed Peter Sagan a restless character and will have an interesting ending on the hill of Mur de Bretagne. The last stage of the third category is almost two kilometers and the average slope is 7.1%

On Thursday, the cyclists will cross 181 kilometers The hills at the end must be surmounted by two other third categories and a "Foursquare" Mountain Premium and Bikers are expected between 17.21 and 17.43

  Tour de France 2018 (5th round) [19659006] Tour de France 2018 (Stage 5)

The price of the speed in Plouguernével, which will surely mark Sagan, is 135 kilometers. The Triple World Champion had 180 points before the sixth stage of score to score 180 points, the second Fernando Gaviria in the initial five stages was 147.

  Tour de France 2018 (5th round) [19659009] Tour de France 2018 (Stage 5)

Sagan scored a 90-time green jersey on the Tour de France with a record 90-minute stage of Nemca Erik Zabella, who wore it 89 days

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Map of the sixteenth stage of the 105th Tour de France Reprofoto:

More on the Tour de France 2018

  • Calendar, stage profiles, results
  • Classification – Yellow Jersey
  • Classification – Green Jersey
  • (19659021)

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