Tour de France 2018: Sagan against Gaviria


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BRATISLAVA. Until now, it has been essentially a hundred percent insurance. Peter Sagan was the winner of the scoring competition on the entire Tour de France that he completed. And always with a big lead. "

" Sagan will not win unless something happens to him. Otherwise, we are all without a chance, "said Marcel Kittel last year


] Defender: Green jersey I do not want

Now, Sagan is trying to succeed for the sixth time.

Even the winner of last night, Michael Matthews, knows that he has no chance of getting the green jersey, and he does not even think about defense

"I do not have the ambition of To get a green jersey. I'm not going to try to score any bonuses, "said Matthews for cyclingnews.

Vraj will try to help the Sunweb team reach the goals of the overall rating. And the sprinters have been limited to a goal – to win at least one step.

Also read: Icon: Sagan is the most expensive but the assistant should be as good as he

who admitted that he would fight for the jersey is Sagan.Others are not going to fight him

The experience of the last few years tells them that it is useless.For example, in 2016, he would not have helped Marcelo Kitte in any way, even though he had twice as many points as him.

It's as if the winner of the Tour de France was known for half of the race. Sagan's five-star opponent will always have – Fernando Gaviri

The Colombian is like a white raven in a black flank In the country that was famous for For the hills, he went on the cycling track and later became a sprinter.

The two want to win

Sagan and Gaviria have several features in common. They are fearless, they can move well in the package. They can both make smaller climbs.

In the sprint, none of them uses the brakes. They have both become junior masters in the world. Gaviria in track cycling, Sagan in the mountains

But the most important is that both are equally ambitious. They hate to lose. For example, at the Rio Olympics, both competed in their youth sector

Sagan was disappointed with the result in the cross-country race after being eliminated from the race

Gaviria finished fourth in the race. True, they are completely different results. One mile from the medal, the second after two defeats did not manage to finish the race

But for both, it was a failure and they both lived a lot

"Fourth you know, I can hardly bear it when I'm second or third, I always want to say just how to win, I just want to win, "said 23-year-old Gaviria.

Vakoč: Na Sagana has not yet

Just for the common features, some celebrities claim to be a new Sagan

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