Tour de France 2018: The fifth stage has a restless character, the triumph of Peter Sagan


QUIMPER July 11 ( – On Wednesday, the 2018 Tour de France is the stage of the Lorient market in Quimper (204.5 km).

A 204.5 km long scene has an undulating character with three rises of the third category, two "foursquares" . The longest rises will be on the Côte de Menez Quelerc & # 39; h, the climb of three kilometers has an average slope of 6.2%

The points of the green jersey are awarded to the Roudouallec Speed ​​Race at 92, 5 km. Peter Sagan (Bora-Hansgrohe) had a four point lead over Colombian Fernand Gaviri of the Quick Step-Floors team before the start of the 5th stage

  Tour de France 2018 [TourdeFrance2018(Stage5)
Tour de France 2018. [19659909] Tour de France 2018 France 2018 (Stage 5) "width =" 676 "height =" 477 "class =" align size- medium wp-image-1272935 "srcset ="×477.jpg 676w, /2018/07/tdf_5etapa-1-768×542.jpg 768w,×113.jpg 160w, /sites/32/2018/07/tdf_5etapa-1-312×220.jpg 312w, 960w "sizes =" (max-width : 676px) 100vw, 676px "/>
Map of the 5th stage of the Tour de France 2018. Reprofoto:

More information on the theme Tour de France 2018 [ 1 9659013] scene
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