Travelers' dreams: Most often, they suffer from diarrhea, mostly withdrew within three days


The most common health problem that worries a traveler is diarrhea. How to fight it?

  Illustration illustration to article Dreams of travelers: Most often they suffer from diarrhea, most of the time withdrawing within three days

The most common illness that has traveled the travelers is diarrhea.
"The origin of traveler's diarrhea has its share,
climate change, food change, but also the possibility of contamination of food and water
with some types of bacteria, "
said a spokesman for the Bureau
Public Health Service (DZ) of the Slovak Republic Daša Račková. In most of the cases

In addition to "traveler's diarrhea", holidays can be annoyed
diarrheal diseases caused by salmonella, shigella,
parasites, hepatitis A virus, virus responsible for cholera.
"These diseases can be prevented by hygienic measures
focused on strict personal hygiene – clean hands, on the hygiene of water and
Food, "explains

Epidemiologists recommend avoiding unusual foods
eat only enough heat-treated food, drink water,
do not eat ice cream, juice and unpasteurized milk. Avoid by
his words must also consume ice, unless there is a guarantee that he was
prepared from safe water or boiled. Long stay
in hazardous areas, it is recommended to travel with passengers before traveling abroad
vaccination that protects against cholera, type A and viral hepatitis

In diarrhea, it is very important to get fluids and salt. in pharmacies
Special rehydration solutions are sold. A similar solution can be given
also prepare with sugar (4-5 cubes), cooking salt
(1 teaspoonful), lemon juice, orange juice or grape juice (up to
1 liter of drinking water). Ionic drinks can also be used for athletes, not
However, in the case of children, mineral waters with a high sodium content and

Photo: Illustrative

Source: TASR

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