Tropical forests are extremely important to our lives, but they are still great


The rainforest is very important to our lives. It provides the most oxygen, even if it is thousands of miles away from us. Well, if you think it's right in America, you're wrong. It's home to many species of animals and plants, and scientists get the ingredients needed to make the drugs, but even the forests are big. (19659002) rainforest photo "width =" 1280 "height =" 960 "/>

Picture by kuszapro

Fakt č. 1: Only about 6% of the earth's surface covers the rainforest , but about half of all animal and plant species live there

Fakt č. 2: In the rainforest, at least 250 cm of rainfall falls each year, sometimes twice as much.

Fakt č. 3: The Amazon rainforest of South America is so big that if it were a landscape, it would be the ninth largest country in the world.

Fakt č. 4: Latin American forests shelter black monkeys whose calls can be heard up to 5 km

Fakt č. 5: The inhabitants of New Guinea, called Korowai, live still in houses on a tree at a height of 45 meters

Fakt č. 6: A quarter of the ingredients of modern medicines current is from plants growing in tropical forests.

Fakt č. 7: 80% of the flowers that grow in the Australian rainforest are found nowhere else in the world

Fakt č. 8: Some pines in Tasmania's soft rainforest also experience an incredible 2000-year period

Fakt č. 9: Tropical forests can be found in many countries, not just in South America. They are also found in Alaska, Canada, as well as in Asia or Africa.

Fakt č. 10: They extend on every continent except Antarctica, because it is too cold and these conditions are not satisfactory

Fakt č. 11: Tropical forests are very important to us because they help regulate temperatures and weather conditions around the world

Fakt č. 12: However, if they continue to be destroyed and governed, it is assumed that about 10 to 10% of the plant and animal species will be lost every 10 years

Fakt č. 13: Every second part of the forest is cut up. For this reason, we seem to lose 85,000 football fields every day

Fakt č. 14: They are extremely important, especially because of oxygen, because most of the oxygen provides tropical forests, even if they are miles away

Fakt č. 15: The trees in the tropical rain forests are so dense that it takes about 10 minutes to "drop" the raindrops on the ground

Fakt č. 16: Insects make up the majority of living creatures in the tropical rainforest

Fakt č. 17: Most of the tropical rainforests, about 57 percent, are in developing countries


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