Trump accused a lawyer of recording a paycheck for a model


US President Donald Trump is convinced that the recording of the interview on fashion was illegal.

US President Donald Trump has described as "totally unhealthy and perhaps even illegal" the behavior of his former personal attorney, Michael Cohen, who secretly recorded his private interview in 2016. But in the interview, Trump and Cohen talked about buying the rights of the story of an old Playboy model who claimed to have had a relationship with the presidential candidate in the past. This was confirmed Friday by Rudy Giuliani, one of the White House's chief attorneys

Telepathism would have occurred only two months before Trump's US election in 2016.

Trump claims that the payment never occurred

"The good news is that your favorite president has done nothing wrong!" Wrote Trump in his Saturday night. The payment that was mentioned in the call never took place, added AP, referring to the president's attorney.

Cohen has been behind Trump in recent months. He did it at a time when the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is reviewing the affairs of this lawyer.

On Friday, the New York Times reported the existence of the audio recording that Trump and Cohen were talking about a possible payment for the former model Karen McDougal.

History sold the boulevard for 150 thousand dollars

Giuliani denied that Trump had an affair with McDougal. She sold her story on the alleged relationship with Trump in August 2016 for $ 150,000, but the National Enquirer tabloid did not publish it. The head of the parent company of this periodical, American Media Inc. (AMI), is a friend of Trump

McDougal claims that his nearly one-year relationship with Trump began in 2006 shortly after his wife Melania gave birth to her son. ! 19659013] function (f, b, e, v, n, t, p) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq function () {n.callMethod?
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