Trump and Putin "welcome" hundreds of billboards: PHOTO This is certainly not going to please them


The billboard features newspaper headlines about Putin and Trump's reports with the media as Helsingin Sanomat has published over the past 18 years. "Trump calls the enemy media of the people", proclaims an English billboard indicating an American presidential statement of February 2017.

"Putin closed the largest Russian news agency", again refers to Russian President in his language. This was a title in the Finnish newspaper of December 2013, when Putin ordered the abolition of the Russian state agency RIA Novosti. Instead, the international agency Rossija segodňa was created and later launched Sputnik's international media platform.


Source: SITA / AP photo / Markus Schreiber

Source: SITA / AP Photo / Markus Schreiber

"Welcoming Presidents at the Summit in Finland, we want to remind them of the importance of press freedom: the media should not be a dog to handle by any president or diet, "said the editor-in-chief of Kaius Niemi. Recalls that Russia ranks 148th among Reporters Without Borders' 180 countries in the world of press freedom. The United States is much more numerous on the 45th, but according to the Finnish daily, they are still too low. Finland is ranked fourth in the world. "Lord President, Welcome to the Free Press," lit on one of the billboards in English


Source: SITA / AP Photo / Markus Schreiber [19659014]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, = function () {n.callMethod?
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