Trump at the NATO summit shocked: Germany is under the full control of Russia, Merkel's reaction


"I find it very sad that Germany concludes a comprehensive oil deal and moves with Russia at a time when Russia needs to be vigilant and Germany pays billions and billions of dollars a year to Russia, "he said. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg

The head of the White House spoke before the start of the two-day summit of the North Atlantic Alliance in Brussels. Stoltenberg pointed out in this context that NATO allies are able to cooperate despite diverging views of each other. The controversial North Stream 2 pipeline is expected to link Germany to Russia under the Baltic Sea, and Washington has long been leaning against it. According to critics, including several eastern EU Member States and Ukraine, the whole project will only increase the energy dependence of the "EU" and "the rest of the EU". Union vis-à-vis the Russian Federation.

Trump called Tuesday the "non-local" gas pipeline agreement. At the same time he criticized Germany for not exercising sufficient defenses. "Germany is a rich country, it could increase (defense spending) immediately, tomorrow, and we should not have a problem," Trump said. He stressed that the United States "pay a lot of money" to protect Germany, France and other countries. The United States has long been calling on NATO allies to increase defense spending to an agreed limit of two per cent of GDP, which most of them, including the United States, have been able to meet. Germany, do not reach.

"We are almost used to it", German Defense Secretary Ursula von der Leyen responded to Trump's words. She did not, however, answer the question of whether she considered it unfair that Trump had criticized Germany for the countries of the Alliance. The minister also said that Trump's criticism is justified in some respects. Nevertheless, he thinks that it is not necessary to focus solely on the two per cent goal of increasing defense spending. "I would like Trader Donald Trump to look not only at the balance but also at the profit," Von der Leyen said.

<img src = "" title = "Donald Trump" alt = "Source: SITA / AP Photo / Susan Walsh

According to the Russia, the United States is about to withdraw from a key agreement

The United States plans to withdraw from the 1987 Intermediate. In an interview published Wednesday in the Italian daily Il Giornale , the Russian Defense Secretary Sergei Shog said. "The United States is preparing to withdraw from a treaty for the destruction of missiles of medium and shorter range and as a reason for the violation of the treaty by Russia ", said Shooj, quoted by TASS

The allegations made by the United States were rejected as totally unfounded, and on the other hand, it accused the States of Who, in his view, deploys MK 41 vertical rocket launchers capable of firing Tomahawk-type flats in flagrant violation of the key disarmament agreement. "There is almost the whole European part of Russia within reach," Shoju said.

The United States has for some time been suspecting Moscow of forging INF, but Moscow denies it. NATO fears that Moscow will be able to attack nuclear weapons in Europe with the development of a missile system launched by a missile 9M 729.

The US ambassador to the NATO, Kay Bailey-Hutchison, said in February that 19659005] "Russia will not abide by the treaty, it will have to bear the consequences that no treaty will be" . The US Senate has already – in connection with the alleged violation of the INF by Russia – allowed the government to withdraw from this treaty. INF was signed on 8 December 1987 by Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev and then by US President Ronald Reagan

 Russian President Vladimir Putin

Source: TASR / AP

Merkel Trump: Germany is free, will meet in separate talks with US President Donald Trump. Their meeting will take place in a tense atmosphere after the US president said that Germany was under the "total control" of Russia. Merkel and Trump will hold bilateral talks at 15:15 CET, after which the White House leader will meet French President Emmanuel Macronom

The German bureau, after arriving at the NATO summit, tried to refute the allegations of Trump that the government is in Berlin under Russian influence. Journalists in this context pointed out that he grew up in East Germany Communist "I was part of Germany under the control of the Soviet Union and today I am very happy that the Federal Republic of Germany is free, so I can say that we can determine our own policy and make our own decisions, especially for the people of the East. Germany, " Merkel told reporters.

Referring to Trump's criticism of defense spending, Merkel pointed out that Germany contributes enough to the Alliance "Germany is the second largest supplier of defense spending. military units, the largest part of our military capability that we offer to NATO, we have a strong commitment in Afghanistan, where we also defend the interests of the United States ". German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen also took the floor. In his own words, Germany has been accustomed to US criticism, while stressing that national contributions to NATO should not focus solely on the two per cent goal to increase military spending, but also on participation in international missions

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