Trump avoids protesters in London


US President Donald Trump avoids a protest in the center of London's metropolis during his weekly official visit to Britain, where he plans to assist up to 50,000 people in disagreement with his policy.

This is considered racist and sexist, Reuters wrote Friday.

British Prime Minister Theresa Maya said that the Trump program in Britain was not deliberately planned to avoid people who would protest against him and that the British would be his visit is happy. "We are delighted that the President has the opportunity to see the United Kingdom and others as London and the Southeast," the spokesman said. The same day she will visit the house of the British Prime Minister of Time II. The World War Winston Churchill, which is Blenheim Castle in Oxfordshire, where British Prime Minister Theresa May will host a dinner for a hundred business guests. (19659006) Queen Elizabeth “/>

On Friday, July 13, the President of the United States and the British Prime Minister will visit an unspecified location where demonstrations of combat activities will be conducted by members of the British Armed Forces. strengths. From there, Trump and May move to Checkers Castle, the home town of British Prime Minister Buckinghamshire. Subsequently, Trump receives Queen Elizabeth II at Windsor Castle

After a visit to the Queen, Trump travels to Scotland, where he owns two golf clubs. According to the British government, the only private part of Trump's official visit to Britain will be. Melanie Trump's wife will have a separate program and her host will be May Philip's husband

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