Trump avoids protesters in London, mainly visiting the countryside


The protest in London against Trump is expected to come up to 50,000 people

6. July 2018 at 20:55 TASR

LONDON. US President Donald Trump will avoid a protest in the center of the London metropolis, which is expected to affect up to 50,000 people who disagree with his policy during his official visit to Britain next week

. The latter is considered racist and sexist. (19659007)

Trumpa welcomes London a huge balloon with the nickname Trump Baby

In addition to a protest against Trump, a rally of his supporters is planned

The spokesman for the British Prime Minister Theresa Maya said that the Trump program in Britain was not deliberately intended to banish people who were protesting against him and that the British were enjoying his visit

"We are delighted that opportunity to look from the UK to something else than London and the South "

Trump arrives in Britain on Thursday, July 12, directly from the NATO summit in Brussels. On the same day, he will visit the birthplace of the British Prime Minister of Time II. World War I Winston Churchill, which is Blenheim Castle in Oxfordshire, where British Prime Minister Theresa May will host a dinner for about 100 guests from the ranks of entrepreneurs

From there, Trump will travel to London, where he will go. US ambassador resides

Friday, July 13, the President of the United States and the British Prime Minister will visit a more inaccurate site where the British Armed Forces will demonstrate combat demonstrations [196590017] From there, Trump and May move to Castle Checkers , the seat of the British Prime Minister in Buckinghamshire. After the visit to the Queen, Trump goes to Scotland where he owns two golf clubs

According to the British government, the only private part of Trump's official visit to Britain will be

Trump & # 39; s Melania's wife will have a separate program and will be welcomed by May Philip's husband

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