Trump does not know if Putin is his friend or foe


US President Donald Trump does not know he considers Russian President Vladimir Putin as his friend or foe.

Trump had this question on Tuesday before leaving for a weeklong European tour, saying that a simple meeting with Putin in Helsinki will be the easiest part of this trip that awaits the summit of the United States. Atlantic Alliance in Brussels,

Trump told reporters at the White House before leaving. He reiterated the critical remarks addressed to NATO allies, who do not claim enough money for the defense. He also drew attention to the political developments in Britain in the context of his approach to EU membership

"So, I've got it." NATO, the United Kingdom in some chaos and I have Putin.Fritely, Putin may be the easiest of all.Who would think so? "Thought the head of the White House.

"We'll see how it goes," he said at the Margo summit with Putin. "I can not really say that, as for me, a competitor," Trump said, wondering if he saw Putin as his friend or foe.

Trump, whose election campaign in 2016 has shrouded the suspicions of secret cooperation with Russia, has repeatedly stated that he wanted to have good relations with this former enemy of the Washington Cold War, despite the tensions between Russia and the West.

Trump has a NATO summit in Brussels on Wednesday, visiting Britain to travel directly from there on Thursday, July 12th. The planned meeting with the Kremlin Putin will take place in Helsinki on Monday, July 16th.

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