Trump on a meeting with Putin failed, a media review summit in Helsinki


NEW YORK, July 17 ( – Monday's summit of US President Donald Trump and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin has also been discussed by some media outlets. According to the American weekly Time, the Russian politician behaved as moderator at the press conference, and Trump "forgot" criticism of Russia

"During the press conference of 46 minutes, Trump does not criticize the Russian annexation of Crimea. The use of neuro-opalist substance on British soil and has not criticized the attempt to intervene in elections in 2016 " mentions the newspaper.

Not in the Middle East

Presidential historian Julian Zelizer said he arrived. "

" He decided to go out and get his own secret service and the FBI in front of a leader who has a long list of bad behavior, especially against the United States. " Trump Summit – Poutine Helsinki 2018" am-card-image = "top" data-lazy-srcset = "×54 .jpg 81w,×208.jpg 312w, -7bc2f1b79a0e45c28a140a1d0908607e-672×448.jpg 672w,×80.jpg 120w "sizes =" (max-width: 81px) 100vw, 81px "data -dominant-color = "# 382b2c" />

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According to the British newspaper The Guardian, Putin came out of the meeting as the winner. "Mr. Trump used a meeting to facilitate the almost unconditional reintegration of Russia into its version of the international order," writes The Guardian, according to which the two politicians did not resolve the situation in the Middle East. the situation in Syria and the Middle East is not clear, but we have no reason to think that Mr. Trump plans to create an opinion on this subject " Dodge Journal

L & Putin's attack on Browder

The Times states that Trump did not mention the problems that, according to the West, disrupted relations with Russia.

  Trump Summit - Putin Helsinki 2018

Putin also used the press conference to attack the long-term enemy of Moscow, the investor William F. Browder in London, accused of stealing money. to have sent money to Hillary Clinton 's presidential campaign

"The stores associated with Mr. Browder have earned more than $ 1.5 billion in Russia and have never paid money. taxes. The country's money came out and ended in the United States. They also sent a huge sum to Hillary Clinton's campaign, it was $ 400 million, " Putin said.

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