Trump provided assistance to small NATO countries to buy US weapons


US President Donald Trump announced Thursday after the NATO summit in Brussels that he was ready to help smaller alliance members buy American weapons. He spoke at a time when NATO allies are forced to spend more money on defense. The Reuters news agency reported.

At the NATO summit, member countries made new commitments to increase defense spending, he said at a press conference in Trump. He added that the less wealthy members asked him at a meeting in Brussels that he would help them buy US weapons.

Asked about the great pressure being exerted on the weakest states, Trump replies, "Today, there are many rich countries among us, but we also have some that are not so rich. And they asked me if they could buy the equipment and I could help them. We will help them a bit. "

" We will not fund them for them, but we will make sure that they can have down payments and others to be able to buy – because the United States is making by far the best military equipment in the world: "

Trump reached the top of a personal victory when European allies called on them to increase defense spending if not they will support Washington

The White House pushes for initiative "buy American products", (19659007 ) Trumps' hidden goal to increase the sale of US weapons

The initiative raises concerns in Europe Some Trumps have repeatedly challenged Trump's repeated calls to NATO members to increase Defense spending, seeing the intention to increase US arms sales

Trump has not directed the sale of US weapons and his efforts to persuade the US other mem "We are helping some countries with advice and even buying the best weapons," added White House chief Trump 19659003] The other companies that can benefit from the promotion of US arms sales are the missile manufacturer Raytheon and General Dynamics, which designs warships and other military equipment, inquire (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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