Trump shocked NATO allies


Seven days at a glance: 1. Trump is pushing NATO nations to invest heavily in weapons. 2. The US government will buy American fighters after US helicopters. No competition and billions of euros. 3. Pellegrini wants to fight Slovaks abroad and attract their homes. 4. Austrian Office The course presented the project "A Europe that protects".

First Trump pushes Europe

The NATO summit in Brussels showed (if usual) the unity of the allies. Finally, however, he showed the opposite. Growing divergences between Trump's hard-line weapons and European interests

Trump repeatedly reiterated that he wants European members to invest more in defense than they do today. ; hui. He only wants two percent of GDP, but only four. Twice the initial assignment, which has barely been managed by NATO.

The Financial Times writes that Trump shocked the European allies. According to its logic, European investment in arms should be doubled or tripled. For Slovakia, for example, it would be totally intolerable. According to Trump, we should give 3.3 billion euros in defense. More than three times the current defense budget

Trump's claim is also unrealistic for Germany, Denmark, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium and other states European defense budgets account for almost one per cent of GDP. Not the four – not even the United States themselves

Simply: US claims are exaggerated and unfair. The Cold War policy, trade sanctions, the hysteria of Russia (or Iran), the massive weapons and the rise of confrontation are not in the European interest. Because the risks of conflict would fall on the heads of Europeans. No Americans

The EU countries have been a cold war for 40 years. It would be stupid if they played the role of the buffer zone again …

2. "I Lietam in it too"

The government of Pellegrini made a particularly controversial decision on Wednesday. She nodded to buy American F-16 fighters.

The Slovak government is becoming one of the most loyal customers of Lockheed Martin, the US armament company

. It was like telemarketing. Three years ago, the Americans did not tell us anything good – that they could sell us to Black Howk helicopters (even though we had no plans to buy them). Minister Glvac nods with enthusiasm. We bought combat helicopters for hundreds of millions of euros. Without the combat equipment, or helicopter helicopter gunships, only the helicopters remained. They will attend the floods. Glovac bought something we did not need. For the money we did not have. Good work.

This year, they came to see the fighters. Although Russian migrations end their life cycle in 2030, we still need to be reassembled. We spoke to Americans (F-16) and Swedes (Gripen fighters).

Until now, everything would be fine. The operation of migraines is expensive, they are outdated, the army was counting on new Western-type planes.

Until 2016, the government preferred to buy Gripen. Because they are a cheaper solution (especially in terms of operating costs), delivery times should be faster and a European service center for Czech, Hungarian and Slovak Gripens could be created in the near future. Slovakia …

And they decided for a more expensive F-16 with a delivery date later (we will have to pay another five years for Russian smokers even after the purchase of new aircraft). The F-16s are even stronger and better but also more expensive and it is doubtful that we really need such "military luxury"

According to analysts, American F-16s prefer regional powers, belligerent states or rich oil monarchies. Not the states where hospitals, schools and public services look like the Museum of Real Socialism

Gajdoš and his officials decided in an accelerated regime, without expert discussion, without publication of citations. And based on a "analysis" full of fiction, fiction and flexing facts. The greatest creation has been shown in the calculation of prices and costs. The more expensive F-16s with the most demanding operation came out after offsetting the cheaper extra costs than the Gripen

The findings of the "analysis" seemed cheerful. The dilemma was like John Teleshoping: we have a better, but cheaper F-16 or worse, but more expensive Gripen. Then "call, call, call now" …

Then pay. So wait five years until we deliver you goods. Dear …

After false news we have a new genre. Giving false analyzes by which the government decides billions of dollars

3. Slovaks back

In addition to the purchase of fighters, the government also solved a more serious problem. It would attract some 150,000 Slovaks abroad.

It's a good idea.

A little strange, however, they look at the tools that the government wants to use. "The solution" is to make Slovaks more aware of what they look like at home

Small Government Council: Do not Do It

4. The course introduces a new Europe

Austrian Conservative Office The course introduces the "new" Europe (in fact, rather old and normal). His motto for the Austrian Presidency of the Union is "Europe that protects". The course is convinced that if the Union wants to survive, it must get rid of its European interests. No interest from strangers.

The most important is to stop immigration on the well-guarded external borders of the EU and set up refugee camps outside of Europe. The Union must prove that it is there to serve the Europeans. Otherwise, they will lose the confidence of young people and will be increasingly perceived as a burden. Not as a useful project

According to Foreign Policy, the 31-year-old office is a good or a bad future for Europe. Similar comments (although more critical) I also write about The Economist or Bloomberg. In addition to the V4 countries, the Austrian line was openly supported by the interior ministers of Italy and Germany.

The course showed not only the EU's bailout guidelines, but also the guidelines for saving the classic parties – if they do not want to be overtaken by the populists, they have to work with their ' themes. "

In other words, the Austrian office urges the Union and its leaders to change (actualize) the paradigm of "European thought". If they fail, they will not only be outside the picture but also outside the game

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