Trump Summit – Putin: Relationships Have Never Been Worse


The summit program seems to be delayed

16. July 2018 at 12:25 (updated 16 July 2018 at 00:39) čtk, tasr,

HELSINKI. Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived at the first summit with his US counterpart Donald Trump on Monday at 13:00 local time (12:00 CET) in the Finnish capital Helsinki

The arrival of Putin was delayed by 30 minutes, which proves incongruity leader

Half an hour late means that the beginning of today's high-level meeting with the head of the White House is taking place between the four eyes of the palace presidential election in Helsinki.

The Russian president was in the presidential palace in Helsinki for a meeting about ten minutes before the day before the CEST

Welcome to the country of the free press, welcoming Putin and Helsinki Trumpa

Putin, according to media reports Russian, does not settle, he also came to a few meetings with foreign leaders with a delay.

Putin's clumsiness, often perceived as the habit of balancing his partners, seems to be his personal face rather than a calculated strategy.

Trump traveled to Helsinki from Britain on Sunday

As long as the four-eyed meeting is held, it is not fixed. Presidents also decide to sign a joint statement or if the results of the interviews will be summarized at a scheduled press conference.

According to TASS, Putin immediately left the airport to get to the presidential palace.

Trump has already commented on relations

The US president has already said that relations with Russia "never been worse."

Trump of hostility between the two countries blamed "[196590021] This is Trump's favorite expression for investigating Russia's interference in US elections, as well as possible links to his election campaign

The article continues under video advertising [19659022] US and Russian senior officials also discuss the Russian annexation of Crimea and developments in Syria

In the capital Finnish, about 1500 people demonstrated Sunday before the next summit of Putin-Trump Sunday

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