Trump wants NATO countries to defend up to 4% of GDP in the future


The US president demands that Allies contribute to defense with four percent of their GDP.

NATO defense spending will increase more rapidly, said US President Donald Trump after the extraordinary NATO summit in Brussels

"The commitment of the" NATO to NATO continues to be incredibly important.I believe in NATO, "said Trump, adding that members of the transatlantic organization had agreed to increase their spending defense of 37 billion euros faster

Despite the fact that Trump criticized NATO's past, on Thursday he described him as another strong ally, stronger than individual states, but sometimes he does not forget to point out that the United States is spending too much money in NATO and that this organization is more profitable in Europe than in the United States. 39, in the United States

2 per cent of gross domestic product (GDP) Trump, however, requests that the expenditures of the Member States Increases immediately and not until 2025. According to Trump, defense spending will eventually reach 4% of GDP

Confirms reconciliation with the DPRK

In connection with US-Iran relations Trump said that tensions between Tehran and Washington could degenerate in the future, but Iran would end up negotiating and would like to agree

The US president also expressed relations between the United States and the DPRK when he trusted the diplomatic process between Pyongyang and Washington, reiterating the importance of his recent meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

At a press conference following the NATO summit in Brussels, the US president also spoke about relations between the United States and Russia, promising that during the next summit to be held in July in Helsinki, Russian President Vladimir Putin asks Russia to intervene in the campaign for the 2016 US Presidential Election.

Just before leaving for Great Britain Brittany, where he is still in the afternoon, Trump speaks of the protests (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f .fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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