Turkey rejects Australian demand for Islamist recruiter


The Turkish court rejected the Australian claim of an Australian citizen considered to be one of the main recruits to the Islamic State (IS) terrorist organization.

This was announced Friday by the Australian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Julia Bishop. It's a failure in Canberry's attempt to try his citizen Neil Prakasha, born in Melbourne, on his homeland.

Prakash is associated with several plans of terrorist attacks in Australia. He has also appeared on IS videos and magazines. Australia believes that she has actively participated in the recruitment of Australian men, women and children and that she has encouraged acts of militancy.

Bishop stated that the rejection of extradition by the Turkish court had been disappointing. "We will keep in touch with the Turkish authorities while she plans to appeal against the decision to extradite," she said.

Australia began to press Turkey for the Prakash edition a few years ago. Telegraph reported that Prakasha was originally released in the Turkish city of Kilis, but was later accused of Turkish belonging under Turkish law

The Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs has not yet commented on the case. for the first time in 2015. He appealed to the likelihood of assassinations by Australians in Iraq or Syria

Australia is a reliable American ally and a supporter of their fight against terrorism. IS in Syria and Iraq. The country estimates that more than 100 of its citizens are fighting on the jihadist side

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