Twenty years ago, Kazakhstan Astana was the capital of the capital


Astana City Photo:

Astana, July 6 (TASR) – On July 6, National Day of Kazakhstan – the capital Astany holiday. This year, Astana acquired the status of capital of the country 20 years ago.

The metropolis of the Republic of Kazakhstan celebrates its 20 years of existence well prepared. In the country, 175 cultural and sporting events are organized for these celebrations. The international dimension of the celebrations in the capital of Kazakhstan gives the "Leadership Tour", where Astane participates in collectives and creative organizations, as well as artists and popular athletes from 20 countries – including Paris, Berlin, London, Moscow, Singapore, Beijing, informed the portal

Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev in October 2017 approved the design of the celebration of the 20th anniversary of Kazakhstan Astany. According to this document, the celebrations will take place in three stages: the first preparation will take place on December 10, 2017, the second on December 10, 2017 until July 6, 2018 and the third from July 6 to December 31 of this year, has informed the portal. kz

In accordance with the order of President Nursultan Nazarbayev, on May 6, 1998, the capital of Akmola was renamed Astana. The change of name of the capital took place at the request of the local executive and representative bodies, taking into account the will of the city company and the conclusion of the State Onomastic Commission to the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The idea of ​​creating a new capital belongs to the president of Nursultan Nazarbayev. The decision to transfer the metropolis of Almaty to Akmola was received by the members of the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Kazakhstan on July 6, 1994.

The official transfer of the metropolis took place on December 10, 1997. By Order of President Nazarbayev on May 6, 1998.

Later, on June 10, 1998, an international presentation of the new capital of Kazakhstan took place. In 1999, the Ceca for Peace Medal and Certificate were awarded to Astane in the Bolivian capital, La Paz, following the decision of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. culture (UNESCO), Federico Mayora.

The Kazakh metropolis is located along the Ishim River in the northern part of the country. The area of ​​Astany is 71 000 hectares. There is a continental climate there – the summer is characterized by dry and high temperatures, the winter is long with heavy frosts.

On July 4, 2016, Astane was born of a million citizens. Astana is a multinational city: Russians, Germans, Tatars, Ukrainians, Jews, Armenians, Byelorussians, Georgians, Moldavians, Azerbaijanis, Uzbeks also live next to Kazakhstan.

The official language is Kazakh, belonging to the Turkish language family.

Source:, the press agency of the press agency TASR

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