Twitter has come to patience! In two months they have blocked 70 million accounts


A major problem is the automation of accounts related to the Russian government

The social network of Twitter has been criticized for too much free access to non-compliant users. Whether it's a variety of Internet trolls that spread misinformation, users with indecent content, or automated boots. It was not that he did not fight against Twitter, but he did not like compared to other players.

In addition, after the spread of Russian misinformation campaigns, Twitter began to exert even more pressure not to repeat these cases. And it seems like the company has taken to heart, l or just in the past two months, to delete a total of 70 million accounts due to inappropriate activity on their platform . Most often it was a different automated shoe.


The figure of 70 million is really huge for Twitter. The social network has about 330 million active users per month Theoretically, they removed 21% of their monthly users, although many were deleted due to inactivity

Twitter wrote last month in his blog that he was working on improving his "security policy." Their automated systems have identified and processed 9.9 million spam or potential automated accounts each week. The company also mentioned that Russia's connection to its social network is a serious problem. It is estimated that about 50,000 automated accounts have connections with the Russian government

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