Ukraine protests against the visit of Czech politicians in Crimea


In the delegation is a member of the European Parliament Jaromír Kohlíček and a member of the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic Jaroslav Doubrava

30. July 2018 at 14:46 TASR

PRAGUE, KYJEV. The Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Embassy of the Ukrainian Republic in Prague have expressed a strong protest against the visit of the Czech delegation to Crimea

In the delegation, MEP Jaromír Kohlíček and the member of the Senate of the Czech Parliament Jaroslav Doubrava

The Embassy in Prague and the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Kiev informed Monday the agency Ukrinform

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Ignore international law

The statement of the Ukrainian diplomatic department states that "this is another recurrence of the violation The Ukrainian law by these politicians who, despite repeated warnings, continue to grossly ignore not only Ukrainian laws, but also international law. "

See also: Deputies visiting Crimea violate Ukrainian laws


Ukrainian diplomacy in the text recalls that Ukraine reserves the right to avail itself of the full range of sanctions provided for by Ukrainian law against those of foreign nationals who cohabit with the states. United States and Crimean Tatars in Crimea. The statement also states that Russia "in an attempt to at least partially cover its crimes in a chaotic manner in the world is seeking politicians with a reduced threshold of political hygiene ready to take part in propaganda tours in the occupied peninsula ". . In his statement of the two politicians, the diplomatic mission recalls that the UN General Assembly, by its resolution of March 27, 2014, confirmed the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine and called on the Member States to abstain.

Czech Communists in Crimea

In their statements, the Ministry and the Embassy of Ukraine ensure at the same time that they appreciate the fact that most of the Czech political scene as well as the Czech government clearly support the territorial integrity of Ukraine and condemn the Russian aggression against it and the occupation of part of Ukrainian territory by Moscow

According to Jaroslav Kohlíček, Member of the European Parliament for KSČM, Jaroslav Doubrava participated on Sunday in the Crimea of ​​Sevastopol in a show of ships from the Russian Black Sea Fleet and met with local deputies. quoted Novyj Sevastopol, according to which members of the Czech delegation are also the vice-president of KSCM Josef Skala, activists Jelena Vichanova, Zdeněk Pešek and Radim Litterbach and others

The Czech delegation visited including the International Crimean Children's Camp Bachchisaraj, Yalta and Artek. They want to leave the Crimea on Tuesday, added.

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