Unemployment, according to Richter, evolves positively: OLEO has begun to serve, you do not help people


The unemployment rate recorded in Slovakia reached 5.43% in June this year. Compared to May 2018, while it was 5.37%, it increased by 0.06 percentage points (eg year-over-year it decreased by 1.47%. latest published by the Central Office of Labor, Social Affairs and Family (ÚPSVR) of the Slovak Republic According to Richter, unemployment in June was influenced by university graduates

Unemployment in Slovakia affected by graduates

Richter graduates have signed a one-month increase in unemployment, but long-term unemployment is, in his words, positive "The same cycles and periods are repeated every year. Not surprised by the month of June and graduates are enrolled in the labor offices.This will be in September and adult students will be reported.That's why in June there are fluctuations that are natural. "

In total, 8369 graduates were enrolled At the labor offices last June and June of this year, there were still 670 graduates. "That means that at the end of June of this year 7506 graduates were in the employment agencies, with 670 final last year, which means that 7699 of 39, they have been employed in the labor market ". Labor offices also track the number of graduates who will return to registration. "Of these 670 registered, more than half of them were employed but they were not working," said Richter . This year, 7506 college graduates were registered with employment agencies

The trend of the long-term unemployed is positive

"It is important to us that many young people, when they do not have a job. they joined, also announced The employers and get to work, " said Richter, does not work with all unemployed youth. However, the development trend of the long-term unemployed is, according to the Minister of Labor, positive. "We were able to employ 2163 long-term unemployed, of which over a thousand were very long-term unemployed", listed Richter, with a focus on active labor market measures as well only on projects, offered by the Labor Offices

The government's ambition is to focus on the unemployed with basic education or with unfinished primary education. "We expect that the social economy we are developing should greatly help people in this category to progressively prepare for the job market" Richter approach

Unemployment declined Year by year

Available job seekers reached 149,727 people by the end of the sixth month of the year. "The monthly situation increased from 1637, down 38.270 from one year to the next, or 20.36% less", Marian Valentovich, general manager of the 39; UPSR. The registered unemployment rate, calculated from the total number of jobseekers, reached 6.58% in June. "The month on the month has not changed, from year to year decreased by 1.56 p.

<img src =" https://img.topky.sk/ big / 2221859.jpg / Marian-Valentovic.jpg "title =" Marián Valentovič "alt =" Source: TASR / Dano Veselský

The total number of job seekers reached 181 447 people in the sixth month of this year. Monthly fell by 47 people. "The situation from year to year decreased by 40,486 people, which is 18.24% less," added the head of the USSR Office. In June 2018, the monthly decline in the registered unemployment rate was recorded only in the Banskobystrický region, in seven there was an increase. At the county level, unemployment declined from one month to the next in 25 districts, with 54 districts showing an increase. At the end of June this year, 82,391 jobs were available for the work desks.

Richter wants to shake millions

The project to retrain unemployed people in the industry will exceed 30 million euros, most in the Banskobystrický region

Most jobs are in the Bratislava region, monthly Inclusive Education Course for nearly 23 million euros. However, the biggest benefit will be the project for the two companies that will deliver the courses, not the unemployed.

This was declared Friday at a press conference in Bratislava by the President of the OĽaNO deputies Veronika Remišová. "The Center for Work, Social Affairs and the Family is about to snatch 20,000 unemployed from monthly mass classes for tens of millions of euros, where they do not have to go to work. The biggest benefit will be the two companies close to the management that they will give course, " Remišová said in the press today.

<img src = "https://img.topky.sk/big/2221809.jpg/nezamestnanost-tlacovka-Veronika-Remisova-Eduard-Heger.jpg" title = "Nezamestnanosť sa podľa Richtera" alt = "Source : Topky / Vlado Anjel

The Minister of Labor, Ján Richter, rather suggests a system solution for a project that "pulls" tens of millions of Euros from Eurofunds, but for very few people working without help. "Involving unemployed people in monthly classes where many significant people do not learn and learn will be generous and virtually useless, as these people will seek a place in completely different operations." Remišová stated that the project would be the greatest asset for companies to provide courses

Project for Smeru

Virtually the entire project was commissioned by the department to a group of two companies which are personally linked. Hutta, who was formerly vice-president of the Young Social Democrats, essentially a youth organization from the Smer-SD party, signed the contract with the contract provider, said Remisova. "The contract was signed by the Director General of the Office of Labor, Social Affairs and Family, Marián Valentovič, for the Order, that is to say for the State, for the Ministry. "A man of the same name was vice-president of the Young Social Democrats at the same time as Andrew Hutt," reminded Remisova. According to her, it appears that this 27 million euro contract was arranged by a former official of the other

  Unemployment according to Richter

Source: Topky / Vlado Anjel

"We call Labor Minister, John Richter's family to stop at least this absurd part of the Inclusive Education Project," reminded Remisova, adding that the remaining under 5 million euros go to refresher courses for specific professions, which could bring results

  according to Richter

Source: Topky / Vlado Anjel

OĽANO proposes that the state instead of this project support the employers Slovaks and reimburses the first monthly salary of the person they employ as well as part of the monthly salary of his colleague, working to work. According to Remisova, the unemployed would have learned exactly the skills they needed in the business. MEP Eduard Heger added that the second solution would be to set up personalized advice in the labor offices where the unemployed would work systematically and in the long term

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