Unforgettable Viliam Polónyi was born 90 years ago


Krupina / Bratislava, July 6 (TASR) – A distinctive voice and spontaneous play made Viliam Polónyi an original and unforgettable actor. He has almost 100 Slovak and foreign films and a number of theatrical figures. The versatile talented artist Viliam Polónyi would have lived his 90th birthday on Friday, July 6th.

Viliam Polónyi was born on July 6, 1928 in Krupin. In his youth, he devoted himself to amateur theater, music, singing and sports, even thinking of a football career. After graduating from the business school, he leaves to play football in Zlín, then to Káblovka in Bratislava.

Subsequently, the theater is so amazed that he begins to work at a professional level. In 1949 he was admitted to the new Stredoslovenský Theater. After military service, he graduated from the Bratislava Military Artistic Settlement (1951-1953) and worked at the New Stage Theater in Bratislava until his retirement. He has played in theater, in children's and youth theater, and has also appeared in an operetta. His activity in this ensemble was interrupted only in 1976-82, when he acted as director in the Nitra Theater Andreja Bagara. After returning to the New Stage in 1982-85, he was also its director.

In the New Stage, he plays several theatrical characters. He was awarded the title of Artist Merit, which won the confusion behind the character of Palčík in the Statues of Jozef Gregor Tajovský, as well as the role of Potocky in the play Geľo Sebechlebský author Jozef Hollý or Telegina in the production of Ujo Váňa by Anton Pavlovič Čechov [19659002 "Through various small characters, he worked among the greatest Slovak actors, prone to comedy, satire and grotesque, his game and his face were close folk characters and wise, earthy, vital and comic ". .com. "With his own ease, apart from the sons of the people, he was able to create even sturdy malomstacks and morally soiled characters."

Just for those acting qualities, Polonyi noticed the movie. In episodic characters, the satirical comedies of John Lack of Happiness appeared on Sunday (1958) or The Trip to the Danube (1962). He was given a higher place in the feature film The Face in the Window, which was filmed by director Peter Solan in 1963 and is considered to be one of the most prominent Slovak films. a new wave. A year later, Solan cast him in another cult film, The Case of Barnabas Kos, where he played Viliam Polónyi with Josef Kemr.

However, the public remembers him as a distinguished lieutenant Michalka of four crime films in which Ladislav Chudík made the main character of Captain Jakub. The English version of Watson and Sherlock Holmes appeared in the detectives Death Falls in the Rain, The Assassin's Slayer, Calling Demons and The Case of the Beautiful Imprisonment that director Andrew Lettrich shot at the turn of the 1960s and 1970s

For a role in Tango for a Bear (Stanislav Barabáš, 1965) won the Igric Prize in 1967. He played in the films Our Nails (Ľudovít Filan, 1970), Kosenie Jastrabej Meadow (Štefan Uher 1981), and in 1983, Juraj Jakubiska (1963). lip surgery, and other health problems had to limit his play, but he played until 2004. Spectators surprised on the TV screen as a guest Boris Filan by a large piece of gitarre, he was also a spiritual narrator and artist.

He received the Andrey Bagar Prize (1974), the title of the Indispensable Artist (1975), the Literary Fund Award of the Slovak Republic (1998), the Bratislava-New City Prize (2002) Krupina's Citizenship of Honor (2004), as well as the Pribinov Cross III State Prize. class (2009) and president of Banskobystrický kraj (2010). The actor Viliam Polónyi died on November 12, 2012 at the age of 84 years.

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