Unusual case in the shelter: The couple stole the dog, but all captured the camera


Photo: TVNOVINY.sk

They did not agree, so they stole it. In the Kosice Haniske animal shelter, they experienced a real shock. When the couple who came to see the dogs did not have what he wanted, he took it. The young couple stole the puppy and everything captured the camera.

"I have a very bad feeling, I do not know where I'm going to sleep." Ivana Marcinikova, a refuge in the shelter, said: "A sensitive worker Ivan can not understand how someone One can steal a dog and save it from a shelter. "

A young couple arrived at the shelter and they looked at the puppy, and she was very happy to get married. spoke in Hungarian, with me in Slovak, and they very much wanted a puppy, and they wanted to pay him, "says the brigade.

But Ivana explained that she was only one brigade and that she could not sign a contract and wait until Monday. "I went with a dog to walk and, coming back from the boardwalk, they were no longer there.We have them on the camcorder." lady has a purse, her puppy, very quickly rushes and the gentleman always looks at them or no one sees them, "said the brigade.

According to a web host, the dog would still have had it, but only Monday, their urgency is worrying. "I think these people do not have a heart, because I'm terribly afraid of what they do with the puppy, I love dogs and I have terribly fear, "says the brigade

" Either they want to give it to someone, "

The animal is not a thing, even the cops of Kosice are interested in the l & # 39; The video camera of the industrial camera is now the only clue that leads to a stolen puppy. <! [CDATA[]]>

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