Update: The rescue of all imprisoned boys from the cave in Thailand may take a few days longer


  • updated: July 8, 22:39

BANGKOK, July 8 (WebNoviny.sk) – The rescue of all members of a cooperative football team that was trapped in a cave in Thailand for more than two weeks four days.

The four boys in the cave were released Sunday, but after this first phase, they had to take a longer break, during which the rescuers complete the cave of oxygen supply. There are still eight boys and their trainer in the cave

The state of health of the released is unknown

At a press conference after the rescue of the first four children, the head of the 39, rescue operation, Narongsak Osottanakorn, said the mission was better. The first four boys who had managed to get out of the cavern were physically physically the most physically fit of the group

each of them was accompanied by two professional divers in a complicated and demanding manner at the time. outside the cave. [19659909] Thailand "am-card-image =" top "data-lazy-srcset =" https://cdn.webnoviny.sk/sites/32/2018/07/thailand_cave_search_47279-f1f684d1528b4937882a7be8b2325194-81×54.jpg 81w, https: /content.htm 160w, https://cdn.webnoviny.sk/sites/32/2018/07/thailand_cave_search_47279-f1f684d1528b4937882a7be8b2325194-312×208.jpg 312w, https://cdn.webnoviny.sk/sites/32/2018/07/thailand_cave_search_47279-f1f684d1528b4937882a7be8b2325194 -672×448.jpg 672w, https://cdn.webnoviny.sk/sites/32/2018/07/thailand_cave_search_47279-f1f684d1528b4937882a7be8b2325194-120×80.jpg 120w, https://cdn.webnoviny.sk/sites/32/2018/07 /thailand_cave_search_47279-f1f684d1528b4937882a7be8b2325194.jpg 756w "sizes =" (max-width: 81px) 100vw, 81px "data-dominant-color =" # 262523 "/>

The Mission rescue, which aims to free small footballers and their coach, began Sunday in tenth place. local time in the morning (05:00 CEST). It was necessary to pull the boys out of the cave, despite being a very risky operation. The rainy zone begins and their rescue will no longer be considered for a few days

Risky Operation

The rescue activity involves 18 divers, five from Thailand, 13 from abroad. The plan is that the boys and their coaches will gradually turn one by one into the intricate terrain of the cave, including the hallways that are up to the flooded ceiling of water.


The most demanding journey awaits Osottanakorna on each of them at the beginning of the trip out of the cave. "Boys are physically and mentally prepared and determined and ready to take care of them" announced just before the start of the Osottanakorn rescue operation

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