US Ambassador Obama visited his family in Kenya


Obama opened a new youth center in his father's family

July 2018 at 17:26 TASR

NAIROBI. Former US President Barack Obama visited a village Monday in Siaya County, southwest of Ken, where his father grew up.

On his first trip to this African country, the former head of the White House danced with his stepfather.

Obama danced and opened a youth center

In Kenska television, they showed gunshots as the former head of the White House drew Sarah Obama to the podium and danced on the traditional local music

youth center. This was founded by his half-sister Auma Obama, who studied in Germany.

"It's good to be back with so many people who are my family – and with so many people claiming to be my family, everyone is cousin" when he opened the center [19659002HerememberedmeetinghisstepfatheronhisfirstvisittoKenwhenhewas27yearsold"Iamveryproudofwhatmysisterhasaccomplished"hesaid

"Today, I really come as a brother to Africa to talk about what is important, what it does," he said. 19659012] The ex-US president will travel to South Africa Tuesday to deliver a speech to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Nelson Mandela's warrior of apartheid

This will be his first major public speech since He left the presidency, DPA Agency

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