US Government Issues Appeal Against Time Warner Acquisition by AT & T | television


The US Department of Justice appeals a federal court ruling that last month approved the takeover of Time Warner AT & T media company. The US government continues to assert that an $ 85 billion contract will hurt the competitive environment.

Washington has long disagreed with a merger of companies, but an acquisition of $ 85.4 billion ($ 73.25 billion) by the Washington court in mid-June was approved without conditions.

The Department of Justice's concerns that competition would be compromised and consumers hurt by higher prices have decreased.

US President Donald Trump also opposes the acquisition of Time Warner by the AT & T group announced by the companies in October 2016. He is also known for his attacks on the TV channel. CNN information, part of Time Warner.

AT & T immediately responded to the court's decision and concluded the acquisition a few days after the verdict

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