Verbal Shooting between Trump and Iran No End: Tehran's Uncompromising Reaction


"Neurobilo Impression for Us" Zarif wrote Monday night on the social network Twitter, using the same style of writing in capital letters as before Trump. "We have existed for thousands of years and we have witnessed the fall of empires – including ours – which lasted longer than the existence of certain countries", continued the head of Iranian diplomacy. His statement on Twitter came in the same warning as Trump addressed to Iranian President Hasan Rouhan: "Be careful!"

Trump wrote on Twitters Monday morning: "Never again, but never defeat the United States," He did so in response to Sunday's statements by Iranian President Rhuhan, who had refers to the United States about sanctions against Tehran, to "keep them from catching fire".

At the same time, he threatened to close the roads to export oil from the Gulf. "Americans should know that peace with Iran is the mother of all peace … just as war (with Iran) would be the mother of all wars", Rugging Sunday said

In the context of a verbal shootout between Washington and Tehran is the unilateral resignation of the United States from the key nuclear deal with Iran in 2015, which Trump has decided in May this year, according to DPA

According to the nuclear agreement signed with Iran by six world powers in 2015, Tehran agreed to limit its nuclear program to prevent any possible exploitation of this project. 39, nuclear weapons. Western states, in return, have withdrawn their sanctions against Tehran. The remaining five signatories of the ranks of the world powers are currently negotiating with Iran on the possibility of preserving the agreement even without the participation of Washington

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