VIDEO: Banská Bystrica scored six goals in Žilina


yesterday 20h10

Hockey players from Banska Bystrica won the 27th round of the highest Slovak competition against the country of Žilina 7: 3.

In the game rich in goals "barani", they excelled especially in the games of the match. During the entire match, they suffered up to six times a multiple advantage.

MsHK DOXXbet Žilina – HC & # 39; 05 iClinic Banská Bystrica 3: 7 (0: 3, 3: 3, 0: 1)

objectives: 26. Žilin (D. Rehak, J. Milý), 36. Barta (Žilin, Síkela), 39. Síkela (Dubeň, Beránek) – 5. A. Šťastný (B. Marshall), 12. Asselin (Higgs, K. Sloboda), 16. Higgs (B. Marshall), 26. Zigo (Higgs, Faille), 30. J. Sýkora (K. Sloboda, Asselin), 32. A. Šťastný (Higgs, E. Faille). Fault

Excluded: 9: 4 for 2 min, in addition to J. Ručkay (Žilina) 10 min + DKZ for unsporting behavior, Asselin (B. Bystrica) 10 min for unsporting behavior, 0: 6 defeat, 0: 1, Sued – Stanzel Gajan Street, Kontsek, 523 spectators


Žilina Fučík (30. Mikoláš) – Turian, Kučný, Hudec, Jankovič, Žilin, Piegl, Dubé – Balej, Podešva, Jenčík – Rudolf Huna, Húževka, Beránek – Hvila, J. Ručkay, Barta – J. Milý, D. Rehak, Sicel – F. Ondrus

Banská Bystrica: S. Baroš – B. Marshall, Nemčík, K. Sloboda, Mihálik, Petrinec, Atelinka – Asselin, Higgs, Selleck – J. Sýkora, É. Fault, Zigo – Kabáček, Cešík, Gabor – Varga, A. Šťastný, T. Török

The last player of Žilinci had his first match in the first match, then for 51 seconds with two players but did not use them. In addition, Sýkora was fouled after jumping on the penalty bench ice when Fučík was dismissed and the Banskobystrians had the advantage. Thanks to Happy, they also took the opportunity to highlight their lead, but they did not manage the 81-second match. At 2-0, however, Asselin increased when his shot from the Kučen defender's shot fell into the net. The home team then redeemed the ball in the 16th minute after Marshall's shot approached Fucik Higgs.

The great power of the hosts continued in the second part, the house having been left out. The fourth goal of the match since the Ziga stick was reached by the home goal, Žilin, but after the fifth goal, the goalkeeper left the Fucik goalkeeper and replaced him in the middle of the Mikoláš rally. He also managed to win the match at goal 1: 6 after the second goal of the match, but the home team then took advantage of the lucky goal from Barta, whose goal was Baroš, one of the guests. By the end of the third season, Siekel was also a champion, missing the blue stick of Dubeña stick.

The seventh goal of the host under Urpina managed to shoot again in an unbalanced state, but this time in weakness when he pushed Rift. The guests then checked the match and the house was not allowed to win Banská Bystrica's clear win over Dubň.

The voice of coaches

Aleš Bachánek, assistant coach of Žilina: "We started the game badly, we had a powerful shot at 5 to 3 that we did not use, and with our own mistake, we were all wrong, we had a rival to the horse. able to score three goals in the fifth to the fifth part, we did not have much in the situation in which we find ourselves. "

Dan Ceman, coach of Banská Bystrica: "Our game in the Power Rangers was amazing today, the boys have been really great and in the last few games, our Power Rangers game went well, we made some mistakes, our opponent came back a little, but in the third we played more on the defensive, and the boys deserve praise in 60 minutes. "



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