VIDEO: DOORS OF SPACE: World observers reveal a rare asteroid


  The Universe

Three of the largest terrestrial radio telescopes in the world captured an asteroid last year that has an interesting secret. Scientists, after a thorough analysis, found that there were even two objects

More "eyes", more famous results

The asteroid of Middle Earth YE5 2017 was discovered by scientists on December 21, 2017 at the Moroccan Observatory. According to a NASA report, he did not know more detailed details until the end of June.

A view of the asteroid was planning to bring up the famous Arecibo telescope in Puerto Rico when his Goldstone colleagues called for cooperation. Scientists from both workplaces met in West Virginia on June 24 and began a joint observation.

The Arecibo telescope sent a radio signal to the installation and the Observatory of the Green Bank captured the discouraged. Together they were able to confirm that the asteroid formed a set of two bodies circulating one around the other

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The images from the telescopes indicate that the two objects are larger than the original asteroid. They have a length of about 900 meters and their circulation lasts from 20 to 24 hours.

Interestingly, they are not homogeneous in terms of composition. Each reflects the light differently. This suggests that they might have a different density or possibly be composed of different materials.

Scientists have the joy of this grouping that such systems are rare. It is in the order of the fourth discovery of a pair of asteroids of about the same size. Similar systems have seen about 50 since 2000. In most cases, however, one of the two objects has much larger dimensions

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