VIDEO: NDS introduces new security feature – mobile alert thresholds from July


The National Motor Company (NDS) has introduced a new safety device since early July 2018 to increase road safety and protect NDS workers at work. These are mobile alert thresholds that will be placed wherever transport restrictions come.

Prague, which warns of imminent obstruction, should primarily protect service personnel and goods, ie means of transport and other NDS infrastructure.

"The risk of staff strikes and technology is still high at the intensity of current traffic on highways – standard safety features that drivers only see at sight, sometimes forget about motorists." road accidents per year, even when the signs do not prevent a collision with the technique, so the NDS introduces cross-safety thresholds into the safety system to increase the safety of motorists and road safety personnel. NDS and reduce health hazards, "says Branislav Sidor, director of operations of the NDS.

Increase Security

The warning thresholds are two meters long, 2.5 cm thick and are reflective yellow color.They can be saved anywhere on the road, and after an extraordinary event, they will be deleted. The effect is similar to the deceleration threshold, respectively. retarder

New on our route

Mandatory mobile warning thresholds are used, for example, in the Netherlands, drivers can also meet in Austria, Germany, Czech Republic or Switzerland. the summer season can be found on Slovak motorways and motorways.

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