VIDEO Newcomer after the historic victory reigns among the elite: Sereď fully dominated with Senica


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MYJAVA – The Transition House in Myjava defeated Senica 2: 1

The Senica hosts who started the home match first scared Solana's shot , a nice action later on the right dragged Herrera

The footballer Serede, After Ulrich came to the ball, but he hesitated at the decisive moment and the shot was not good, Morong had another good luck in the 30 minutes after Diasa's bad match, but Taborda made his way to the 43rd minute The secrets of Segbe Azankpo's defeat were defeated by Segbe Azankpo, who escaped after Herrera's pass and opened a scoring

In the second half, ŠKF tried to stabilize, pok. The advantage of Sereďanov could be crowned in the 65th minute, Richnák, however, in a chance of landing alone before Tabord failed. Aldo Baez managed to score the equalizing goal to make it 1 – 1 after 74 minutes. (1969005) ŠKF Sereď – FK Senica 2: 1 (0: 1)
goals: 75. Baez, 79. The goal of the match is to score the first goal of the match. Gatarič – 43. Azankpo. Judge: Dohál – Hrmo, Poláček, ŽK: Baez, Ulrich – Azankpo, 960 spectators

Sereď: Penksa – Mečiar, Michalik, Bač, Menich – Baez, Ventura (78. Pankaričan) 81. Hučko), Ulrich – Militosjan (46. Richnák)

Republic: Taborda – Kotula, Otrísal, Dias – Herrera (46. Kovac) Cuadros) – Azankpo, Castaneda

Michal Gašparík, trainer Serede: "We have started playing differently, we wanted to play more actively, but our guests jumped into our game, then we hit and dominated.We got the point after the mistake, we wanted to balance the second and we were able to balance it to do with the force of the will and we were satisfied with the fight and the fight, and we had the first point, the first victory a week ago. "

Caanen, Senice coach: " I think the draw would be more testimonial, it's in the second, we lacked motivation Nevertheless, we deserved our point. But I believe that our achievements will come. "

Tags: FK Senica ŠKF Sereď

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