VIDEO: Preßburger Klezmer Band comes with a new video clip


Concert of the Pressburger Klezmer Band in Trnava on Thursday 28 January 2016, archive photo Photo: TASR – Lukáš Grinaj

Bratislava, 24 July (TASR) – The Bratislava Preßburger Klezmer Group Band on his latest album Baladen does not avoid the more demanding themes of the texts. This is also the case for a new video clip for Vigndik and fremd kind. His direction and script were entrusted to Klezmer by the acclaimed filmmaker and musician Braň Špaček, who is known in the artistic environment as Špako

"There was no break in the head, how to make a clip and others.I had the privilege of choosing a song for the album.The event that deeply touched us all, the murder and the subsequent awakening of people, the demonstrations.From the first demonstration, I took my camera and filmed with me.Because it is my robot.I had no idea what I could do with it. It just came to my mind that it was important to capture these things.And when I listened to Klezmer's ballads, these two things would come together, " adds to director, filmmaker and screenwriter of novelty in one person

Fans of musical appreciation of world class p can be surprised by the social commitment of their latest single. The band of Preßburger Klezmer, however, knows that the group, which recently celebrated two decades of existence, has expressed itself with regular periodicity to the dark events of our history, and ultimately plays music associated with the Collective Murder of Six Million People

We also realized that all over the world there are similar tragedies that connect people and force them to express their disapproval of the violence that man is doing to another person : the love of our loved ones and the fear of their future. came to express compassion and dissatisfaction and became one of them

The songs Vigndik and Fremd Kind will be found in the 8th studio album of the group Bratislava Preßburger Klezmer Band on the recording of Baladen (Real Music House, 2018), the violinist Andrej Werner, but they will be able to listen to Vigndik and fremd kind on one of the concerts of a autumn tour of the album Baladen

TASR informed Real Music House [19659007] Source:, zpravodajský portál tiskové agentury TASR

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